Tout dans le cabinet mental
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. In the foreground : Aapo Nikkanen, What is your long term goal in life?, 2022, installation, silk and biomaterials. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
Sabine Teyssonneyre, La feuille entre tes mains, 2022, exhibition plan, A3 print. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
Marine Leleu, Image plateau pour TOGETHER UNTIL_ __(what)?, 2021, fine art print, rag paper 310g mat and smooth paper. © Marine Leleu / ADAGP, Paris, 2022. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac,
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental de TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. Foreground : Aapo Nikkanen, What is your long term goal in life?, 2022, installation, silk and biomaterials, 960 × 120 cm. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022. In the foreground : Victor Yudaev, Radios, 2022, sculpture. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
Cally Spooner, Early Research: Method #14, 2018, bronze cast of the artist’s ear, advice from Gestalt therapists, offset printing on Soporset premium paper 60 gr. Early Research: Method #9, 2017, bronze cast of the artist’s ear, fan mail, offset printing on 60 gr paper. Early Research: Method #6, 2016, bronze cast of the artist’s ear, interview with a clinical psychiatrist at the University of Texas, San Antonio, offset print on paper. Private collection. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
Pierre Bal-Blanc, performance protocol I GOT UP and film script I GOT UP AT 8.59 AM. OCTOBER 19. 2021, design buy Vier5, 2021, white A4 print. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
Marianne Marić, set photographs according to Friedl Kubelka Von Gröller for the film I GOT UP AT 8.59 AM. OCTOBER 19. 2021 directed by Pierre Bal-Blanc, 2021, color prints. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
Flora Bouteille assisted by Alexia Caamano and Théo Pézeril, Pour se cacher, 2022, steel. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022. In the foreground : Victor Yudaev, Radios, 2022, sculpture. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)*?. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
Flora Bouteille assisted by Alexia Caamano and Théo Pézeril, Mobilier pour le bureau d’études TOGETHER UNTIL_ __(what)?, 2022, steel. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental de TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. In the foreground : Flora Bouteille assisted by Théo Pézeril, Le lit (chair qui dort), 2021, steel and plexiglas. In the background : Victor Yudaev, Radios, 2022, sculpture. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022.
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental de TOGETHER UNTIL_ _(what)?.
On the left : Flora Bouteille assisted by Alexia Caamano andThéo Pézeril, Mobilier pour le bureau d’études TOGETHER UNTIL __(what)?, 2022, steel.
On the right : Vir Andrés Hera, Misurgia Sisitlallan, 2020, film, 27 min. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022
View of the exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental of TOGETHER UNTIL_ __ (what)?. In the foreground : Aapo Nikkanen, What is your long term goal in life?, 2022, installation, silk and biomaterials, 960 × 120 cm. Photo : Marc Domage / le Crédac, 2022. In the background : Myriam Lefkowitz (drawings/writings) and Simon Ripoll Hurier (vidéo), How can one know in such darkness? – a notebook, 2018, vidéo, 16 min 14 sec.
Artists: Pierre Bal-Blanc and Marianne Marić, Virginie Bobin, Flora Bouteille, Katya Ev, Dora García, Vir Andrés Hera, Myriam Lefkowitz and Julie Laporte, Marine Leleu, Aapo Nikkanen, Alevtyna Kakhidze and Sasha Pevak, Cally Spooner, Nora Sternfeld, Sabine Teyssonneyre, Victor Villafagne, Victor Yudaev. Contributions and interviews : Oliver Marchart and others to come throughout the exhibition.
Curatorship: Cassandre Langlois
Tout dans le cabinet mental is an exhibition conceived within the framework of the activities of the performance design office TOGETHER UNTIL _ __ (what)*? It echoes a first work session hosted in March 2021 by Crédac.
It gave way to scenographic experiments, rehearsal-performances - whose scenario was built around the notion of control - extended over several days, to the realization of interviews with Virginie Bobin, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Lenio Kaklea, Sasha Pevak and Nora Sternfeld. This friendly occupation concerned, more specifically, the prospective dimension of the performance as well as the conceptualization of a stage - scenic space, working space and production studio - to come.
This new stage operates, today, like a cabinet of performance practices open to the public. A stage, inspired by the representation grids of space-time, takes into account the relationship of the body to the place while favoring the articulation between fixed pieces, discursive times, elements of theoretical research and exposed documentation. Over the weeks, one after the other, these invited practices appear. They act and interact according to different paradigms. For some, beyond certain normative rationalities. For others, against the spectacular dimension that is sometimes attached to them. Some embrace the question of the social role under the angle of the scenic. Some still promise fictions of bodies and spaces. Together, they allow us to (re)think the institutional, economic, archival and mediation environment for a viable performance art.
At the same time, the office continues its reflection around the notion of pre-enactment which corresponds, according to Oliver Marchart, to “the artistic anticipation of a political event 1 .” The Austrian philosopher specifies that this political moment can only be one of antagonism. Like any other social field, he considers that art can turn into a training ground. On a small scale, the cabinet is envisaged as an active zone, welcoming “new materials” as they come in, questioning what a place would be able to make today. It thus develops - in filigree - in the form of “a place within a place” where allied practices, stemming from performance, academic research or curatorial action, are exercised. There, they emit projections for the future of a place of art.
Cassandre Langlois
April 28, May 19, June 16 · 14:00 – 18:00
Once a month, Flora Bouteille and Cassandre Langlois hold meetings at the Crédac during which they can exchange with the public. At the same time, they carry out their research in the studio.
Curator biography
TOGETHER UNTIL _ _ (what)*? is a consultancy created in 2020 by Flora Bouteille (artist) and Cassandre Langlois (researcher and independent curator). This initiative - at first friendly and supportive (the TOGETHER UNTIL __ (what)*? study office was born from a series of regular exchanges during the confinements linked to the Covid-19 pandemic) - is deployed around times of research and creations during which invitations are addressed. It is dedicated to the experimentation of devices and to the production of knowledge on performance, considered here through its various political and social stakes. It also questions the performative potential of the encounter between the institutional habitat and the scenic practices - performance, dance, theater, conference, assembly, debate - that it hosts.
Events & meetings
The exhibition Tout dans le cabinet mental received support for an artistic project from the CNAP, from the Aide à la captation et aux diffusions alternatives pour le secteur des arts visuels from the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France, and from the Austrian Cultural Forum.