Le Crédac

Remote Dances

Julie Laporte & Myriam Lefkowitz

  • Friday May 27 at 2pm, 3:30pm and 5pm : 3 sessions of 30 minutes with Julie Laporte. Saturday May 28th and Sunday May 29th at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm and 6pm : 5 sessions of 30 minutes with Myriam Lefkowitz and Julie Laporte.


  • We ask participants to strictly adhere to the chosen schedule.
  • The exhibition room will be closed. Each participant will be alone in the room during the performance.

    The spectators — alone or in pairs — are invited to sit comfortably on the stage. Using their cell phones and the WhatsApp application, they live a direct experience with the two artists who perform — from their homes — the performance. The performance consists in sending and receiving a dance. Imagined in the context of the first confinements linked to the pandemic, the project explores the impacts of physical distance on our bodies. In the continuity of a reflection on questions of attention and perception, it is also interested in the way we co-create new fictions through space.
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