Le Crédac


The Garden of Forking Paths

Lara Almarcegui, Jordi Colomer et Guillaume Leblon

Curatorship: Claire Le Restif

The Garden of Forking Paths is more a temporally (rather than spatially) labyrinthine story written by Borges. The exhibition is built on things which the city of Istanbul brings to my mind: a temporal labyrinth, feeding channels, layers, entropy. I chose to invite three artists whose works centralize around the premises of entropy, exposure, excavation, loss, recording, and critique.
Lara Almarcegui is an artist who is interested in «time gaps» surrounding cities or suburban towns that are in oblivion or that are just starting to gain some life of their own.
Currently working on a project regarding urban architecture, Jordi Colomer is a follower of deviating paths that have the ability to allow for the intervention of coincidence.
The temporal nature of Guillaume Leblon’s works situates them in an imperceptible space between past and future. He uses the omnipresent archetypal elements of both creation and destruction: earth, water, and fire.

Artists biography

  • Born in 1972 in Zaragoza, Spain. Lives and works in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

  • Born in 1962 in Barcelona, Spain. Lives and works in Paris, France. http://www.jordicolomer.com/

  • Born in 1971 in Lille, France. Lives and works between Paris and New York.

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