Rodtchenko à Paris
Michel Aubry
Michel Aubry, Rodtchenko à Paris, 2003-2016, Film noir et blanc, son, 1h 20min Photogramme du film ©Michel Aubry. Courtesy galerie Eva Meyer, Paris.
Michel Aubry, Rodtchenko à Paris, 2003-2016, Film noir et blanc, son, 1h 20min Photogramme du film ©Michel Aubry. Courtesy galerie Eva Meyer, Paris.
Michel Aubry, Rodtchenko à Paris, 2003-2016, Film noir et blanc, son, 1h 20min Photogramme du film ©Michel Aubry. Courtesy galerie Eva Meyer, Paris.
In 1925, Alexander Rodchenko was commissioned to design the USSR pavilion at the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts. During his stay in Paris, he wrote to his wife Varvara Stepanova about his life in Paris, giving a host of precise and critical observations on the society of the time.
The film has been built up progressively since March 2003 by successive shootings, generally associated with exhibitions of the Workers’ Club, which Michel Aubry has reconstructed and set to music. In the film, Alexandre Rodchenko, played by the actor David Legrand, travels through contemporary Paris in the footsteps of the constructivist artist, discovering places that have remained unchanged, such as Versailles, the Cirque d’hiver, the Hôtel Star-Etoile, the Olympia and the Grand Palais.
Thursday 12 May at 6.45pm: Screening of the film and meeting with the artist.
Artist biography
Born in 1959, Michel Aubry lives and works in Paris, France. He is représented by Galerie Eva Meyer, Paris.
This project was selected by the patronage commission of the Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, which gave it its support.