Le Crédac

The Iguana - Acte I : The Unnamed Room

Louise Hervé & Clovis Maillet

A Waterway, 2014, 23 min.
Certain sea creatures like the lobster may be immortal. In the future will humans be able to transform themselves rather than grow old? Hypotheses: off a seaside resort amateur archeologists dive to old shipwrecks and attempt to preserve their underwater discoveries from the ravages of time. In a more or less similar coastal city, a health-care institute offers their clients the chance to take advantage of the benefits of the sea to rejuvenate their aging bodies, while at the old
bathhouse a mysterious group of retirees form a club whose main objective is to achieve eternal life.

An Important project, 2009, 38 min.
In an unspecified future, the ChoSE corporation has specialized in implanting virtual memories in the human cortex.
The demand for memories focuses mostly on sports, which have become the main – maybe the only – sphere of interest. M. Caille, one of their clients, insists on going to the Moon, a tourist destination that is quite disreputable ever since the Lunar Tennis Club set itself up as an autocratic autonomous territory. Both the employees of ChoSE and the inhabitants of the Moon wield disinformation, brain surgery and rumors of epidemics in the service of the bitter competition between the directors of the various sports clubs.

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