Le Crédac

Le goût des mots

Juliette Green

For her first solo exhibition, Juliette Green has chosen to work on the themes of food and eating through nine works created for the occasion. These works give us stories inspired by social issues: What would change in our daily lives if we no longer needed to eat? What would our ancestors think if they were given a taste of 21st century food? How does a recipe pass the test of time?

The stories generated by these issues, all in words and drawings, are deployed on media such as paper, canvas, wood or slate. A drawing in situ is also visible on the windows of the exhibition space.
The tone of certain works is light and poetic. For example, one of them tells the story of a little girl who tries to guess what flavor the clouds would have if she could taste them. In other pieces, the story adopts the conventions of the most rigorous scientific analysis, but this seriousness is only apparent because everything is invented. This is notably the case of a drawing that imagines the number of people needed for us to bite into a sandwich, from the farmer to the transporter, via the veterinarian and the agricultural engineer.
If the exhibition invites us to question consumption, lifestyles, transmission and globalization in depth, it is also very accessible: the texts of the works are easy to read, so that visitors of different generations can understand them.


  • Réflex n°46 — LE GOÛT DES MOTS, Juliette Green
    3.98 MB / pdf
  • Room sheet — LE GOÛT DES MOTS, Juliette Green
    893.8 KB / pdf

Artist biography

  • Juliette Green is a French artist born in 1995. As a teenager, she developed a method of taking notes at school by mixing text and drawing. She has remained faithful to it and now uses it to tell stories in her works. These stories are often based on existential questions: What gives rise to vocations? Who made the objects that surround us? Where do our opinions come from? Answers are offered in her stories, which are both serious and humorous in tone. In 2021, she graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris. She is one of the artists selected for the Emerige Revelations Grant the same year.

Events & meetings


The exhibition Le goût des mots is realized in
co-production with the Bourse Révélations Emerige.
The exhibition is part of the Printemps du dessin 2022.

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