Le Crédac

Fleur, Feu

Roy Köhnke

Curatorship: Claire Le Restif

Bringing together basic manual skills and cutting-edge technology, Roy Köhnke’s practice embraces sculpture, video and installation to probe the depths of our bodies and explore new possibles . A sculptor at heart, he arranges materials to bring them into dialogue with one another. His biomorphic works take criss-crossing paths leading to some as-yet unknown future. His complex forms turn out to be mutant, indefinable bodies that he projects into a new space that is simultaneously real and utopian.

The exhibition Fleur, Feu invokes love and desire as forces of resistance against authority. These pieces are never obviously identifiable; they are openings that beckon us towards subversive potentials, invitations to experience bodies and desires differently. “We are biological, malleable creatures, living beings who look at each other and, fascinated, dream,” Roy Köhnke tells us. His works are portals to unknown worlds and infinite carnal possibilities.

Roy Köhnke invited the independent curator and art critic Caroline Honorien to programme showings in the Crédakino film space. For her Retour de Marsyas she chose three videos about the body and skin in which the flesh becomes a space of perception and an interface with the world, history, memory and new technologies. The three continuously screened works are God Mode by the artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy, Nina Davis’s Precursing and It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Take This by Bassam Issa Al-Sabah.


  • Room sheet — FLEUR, FEU, Roy Köhnke
    1.02 MB / pdf

Artist biography

  • Founding member of Le Wonder collective, Roy Köhnke (born 1990) studied at the École des Beaux-arts in Nantes and then in Paris. Since 2016 his work has been shown in various solo and group exhibitions. Recent examples include his participation in TRANSGALACTIQUE at la Gaîté Lyrique in October 2024 and his solo exhibition La belle sucette ou comment diviser la Terre in spring 2024, in response to an invitation from the art centre Le Grand Café to imagine a project on the Radôme, the roof of the Saint-Nazaire submarine base. Winner of the Adagp Revelation Prize in 2022, he exhibited It is stronger than I thought there in February 2024 and took part in the group exhibition F(r)ictions of intimacy at the La Meute art centre in Lausanne in January of that year. In 2023, his work was shown at the SHED Centre d’art contemporain de Normandie in Love Bugs as a Spit on Dry Land, and in the group exhibition Antéfutur at the CAPC in Bordeaux. His work has been shown at the Beffroi de Montrouge for the 66th exhibition eponymous, and as part of the group exhibition Tactique du rêve augmenté at La Verrière, Fondation d’entreprise Hermès in Brussels in 2022.

Events & meetings


Magnetic Tendencies was selected and supported by the Fondation des Artistes patronage committee. It is co-produced with MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain.


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