Le Crédac

Table ronde nº3

Kapwani Kiwanga, Zahia Rahmani, Sylvain Bourmeau

As part of Kapwani Kiwanga’s solo exhibition, Cima Cima, le Crédac is organizing a series of roundtable discussions from April to June 2021.

For this TABLE RONDE nº3, in collaboration with the journal AOC, we have invited art historian Zahia Rahmani to discuss with Kapwani Kiwanga the exit strategies that certain aesthetic or plastic gestures can propose.

Interview down below and on Anchor, iTunes and Spotify

This invitation is the result of the artist’s interest in the research recently developed by Zahia Rahmani, during the seminar entitled “Paradis perdus : Colonisation des paysages et destruction des éco-antroposystèmes” organized at the National Institute of Art History.

This seminar takes place within the framework of a four-year program, inaugurated in 2018. It seeks to overcome the dualism between nature and culture and to rethink human action on Earth in the face of climate and ecological emergencies.
The reflections developed intend to participate in the pursuit of an environmental history of colonization, in the elaboration of an environmental history of art, just emerging, and in the development of studies on landscape in all its dimensions, on a global scale.

Since 2015, Zahia Rahmani is also at the origin of a census and digitization of non European journals, or those produced in a diasporic situation, in the wake of the revolutionary currents of the late 18th century and up to the decolonization movements that followed.

This collective, multilingual, decentralized, and committed research has given rise to an exhibition Sismographie des luttes at the Centre Georges Pompidou until June 28, 2021, as well as to a website sismo.inha.fr that brings together more than a thousand journals from a wide range of origins.



Kapwani Kiwanga | Table Ronde n°3 with Zahia Rahmani and Kapwani Kiwanga: Réconcilier par la forme, l’art comme métalangage de nouvelles stratégies de sortie


En collaboration avec le journal AOC

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