Le Crédac

INDEX 1987–2017
30 ans du Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry — le Crédac

Dust jacket by Friedrich Kunath

Carte blanche to Friedrich Kunath for the design of the dust jacket (seven other different limited edition jackets: Karina Bisch, Corentin Canesson, Delphine Coindet, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Aurélien Froment, Ana Jotta, Didier Rittener).

In 2017, the Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry - le Crédac celebrates its 30th anniversary alongside the artists, critics, administrators and audiences who have been at the heart of its action in favour of creation. In this context, the production of a book appeared necessary, making it possible to convene the memory of everyone, works, exhibitions, conferences and projects conducted by artists in schools. It is also about documenting a rich past of contemporary creation that has left a lasting imprint on the French and international artistic scene.

This book aims to present itself as a resource tool, offering an exhaustive set of archives concerning the history of the Crédac. The book, intended for an audience of amateurs, students and professionals, consists of an iconographic walk that retraces 30 years of creation, and a corpus of texts. Faithful to the history of Crédac, which has been written through the projects and people who have contributed at different levels to the development of its activity, the book brings together among its authors: artists, institutions, art critics, exhibition curators, representatives of trustees, administrators

  • TitleINDEX 1987–2017
  • Author(s)Jean-Marie Baldner, Cécilia Becanovic, Martin Bethenod, Madeleine Champy, Philippe Cyroulnik, Marcelline Delbecq, Clément Dirié, Jean-Paul Felley, Olivier Kaeser, Alain Fleischer, Jehanne-Marie Gavarini, Antoine Goudet, Claire Le Restif, Hélène Meisel, Aliénor Morvan, Pascal Neveux, Léna Patier, Bruno Peinado, Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza, Marie Preston, Kathleen Rahn, Patrick Raynaud, Grégoire Robinne, Thierry Sigg, Otto Teichert, Madeleine Van Doren et Jocelyn Wolff
  • Artist(s)Dust jacket by Friedrich Kunath
  • Date2018
  • PublisherÉditions Dilecta, Paris
  • Co-publisherThis book has received support from the Île-de-France Region, the Val-de-Marne Departmental Council, the City of Ivry-sur-Seine, the Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, the Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, ADAGP and private copying.
  • Graphic designMathias Schweizer & Thibaut Robin
  • Illustrations800 colour and black/white plates
  • LanguageFrench
  • Pages682
  • Size16 × 24 cm
  • ISBN978-2-37372-045-7
  • Price26 €
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