Le Crédac

Album 2005-07

Karina Bisch

This monograph documents the artist’s exhibitions since 2005, reflecting on the evolution and diversity of her work. The heterogeneous essays tracing her career are illustrated with exhibition views.

  • TitleAlbum 2005-07
  • Author(s)Claire Le Restif, Marianne Lanavère, Gyan Panchal, Yann Chateigné, Claire Jacquet, Maxime Thieffine
  • Artist(s)Karina Bisch
  • Date2007
  • PublisherCentre national des arts plastiques (Cnap)
  • Co-publisherCentre d'art contemporain d'Ivry — le Crédac / la Box_ENSA de Bourges / Nosbaum & Reding - Art contemporain, Luxembourg / Ministère de la Culture
  • IllustrationsColour
  • LanguageFrench / English
  • Pages88
  • Size17 × 23 cm
  • ISBN978-2-917053-04-1
  • Price18 €
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