Le Crédac

Visites contées

Clément Turin

This project, born of the desire of the Crédac teams and the Guy Môquet children’s leisure center to continue their collaboration, takes as its starting point the Children’s Rights Day organized in Ivry-sur-Seine on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, and was aimed at children aged between 4 and 5 years old.

The main objectives of this partnership are to familiarize these young children with the contemporary art center, to confront them with the works and to develop their vocabulary and expression skills. Clément Turin, storyteller, trainer and founder of the association ILETAITUNEFOIS, is invited to enrich the discovery of the exhibition by a specific approach related to the tale. From October to November, visits and specific work are proposed, leading to the creation of two new stories. The day of November 20th was the key moment of restiution, bringing together the children from the leisure center as well as the facilitators and parents.

Artist biography

  • Plush storyteller, ageless…

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