Marie Preston
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, an intergenerational meeting between seniors and children from Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Nouement, un projet de rencontre intergénérationnelle entre les séniors et les enfants de la ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine. © Bureau des publics / le Crédac
Organized by the Centre d’art contemporain d’Ivry - le Crédac, the Fernand Léger Gallery and the Service Retraités, in partnership with the Service Loisirs de l’Enfance de la Ville d’Ivry-sur-Seine, the Nouement project consists in an intergenerational meeting between the seniors and children from Ivry.
It is a workshop on oral and visual memory writing, to simultaneously recall the past and project oneself into the future. Based on their experiences, their discoveries, their experiences, the participants work together to develop a common history. The children recounted their dreams for the future, the image of their futur life, of their world at the age of 80; the elders share in response the memories of their 8 years old, of a past that the children could not have lived. The (re)discovery of photographs brought by the participants, the broadcasting of extracts from old films and the making of drawings are at the core of the exchanges. Each according to his or her know-how (painting, drawing, embroidery…) acte on the images by modifying them, redrawing them, tying them together to better appropriate the history of the others.
When the roles are swapped, understood, repeated, visualized, heard and felt, they are staged for the video. The portraits of the participants, the sounds of their voices are knotted together in the making of a collective film. At each session, a chronicler, child or retired person, reported photographically on the meeting.
Artist biography
Marie Preston’s artistic work (born in 1980, lives and works in Paris) is consisted of a research concerning creating works, documents of experience, with a priori non-artist people. The encounters are initiated by introducing an activity in specific territories: knitting practice within the Association of Malian Women in Montreuil, traveling on historical paths that have disappeared between Paris and its neighboring towns, documentary work on a ritual practice in India, on shared gardens in the Paris region or on the tropical agronomy garden in Nogent. For “co-creation” to take place, collaboration has to be established in a relationship of reciprocity of knowledge and skills in order to create a common space. This space increases over time and collective activity. Photographs, sculptures, performances and films take shape according to various modalities from the restitution of experience to collective actions.