Épisode nº1 - La Mausothèque
Flora Bouteille & Victor Villafagne
Flora Bouteille, Chez le Prothésiste, 2019. Thanks: Marine Leleu
Le Palais Hermétique de la Mémoire (The Hermetic Palace of Memory). Episode nº1 - The Mausothèque
A sound series of Interior Films preferably to be listened to with eyes closed, in a quiet place and without additional stimulation.
The Mausoleum of words and evils is the first area of the Palace that will be crossed, giving a foretaste of the variety of voices, sounds, and spaces that will be visited. The Mausoleum is located in the temporal lobe of the Palace and stores and processes information according to its ability to affect the person consulting it. For this episode, Flora Bouteille and Victor Villafagne invite Nina M. W Queissner, sound artist, to broadcast the piece Water Monkey (3:13), as well as Première Frappe (Sabine Teyssonneyre, Victor Villafagne, Jeremy Saintout, Flavio Bagnasco) with the piece Cadavre Exquis Covid (3:30), Flavio Bagnasco with his jingle: windows Os réconciliés as well as in duo with Victor Villafagne for the piece Incidents (5:56).
Le Palais Hermétique de la Mémoire. Épisode nº1 - La Mausothèque