Le Crédac

Bureau des publics

The Bureau des Publics team welcomes all visitors on Wednesday to Sunday afternoons. To introduce you to the work of the invited artists and guide you through the rooms, a mediation document is at your disposal. Specific documents on the current exhibition can also be consulted on site. Each exhibition is accompanied by meetings open to all: Crédacollation, Art-Thé, Atelier-Goûté and Rencontre. To find out more about the content and dates of each of these events, download the exhibition program. Adult groups can visit the exhibition from Monday to Sunday, by reservation. Professionals and associations working in the cultural, social and educational fields are invited to contact the team at the Bureau des Publics to prepare the groups’ visit together.

From Monday to Friday, school groups can enjoy a visit adapted to each level. In addition, an artistic practice workshop is offered for primary school pupils. Teachers and children’s leisure centres managers wishing to discover the exhibition can register for a presentation dedicated to them. Each year, the Bureau des Publics team invites artists to design and carry out artistic projects in close collaboration with partners - schools, cultural institutions, associations - who wish to get involved in this approach. The art centre is open to requests from teachers, education professionals and association leaders for the construction of these projects.

Information and reservations on 01 49 60 25 06 or contact@credac.fr


Each year, the art centre invites artists to design and carry out artistic projects for different audiences. These projects are based on close collaboration between Crédac and its partners (schools, municipal services, associations) and a desire for joint commitment. The centre is open to requests from teachers, education professionals and association leaders for the construction of artistic and cultural projects.


Each year, the art centre invites artists to design and carry out artistic projects for different audiences. These projects are based on close collaboration between Crédac and its partners (schools, municipal services, associations) and a desire for joint commitment. The centre is open to requests from teachers, education professionals and association leaders for the construction of artistic and cultural projects.